Business 🏢

  1. Sign Up and Dashboard: To begin, businesses need to create an account on fluencr. Upon successful sign-up, they will land on their dashboard, which serves as the homepage of the fluencr interface. Here, businesses can access summaries and snapshots of key data from their campaigns.

  2. Searching for Influencers: The first step is to search for influencers using the search tab. Businesses can search influencers by name or apply specific criteria to filter out desired influencers.

  3. Viewing Influencer Details and Assets: Businesses can view comprehensive details about each influencer, including the assets they offer on various social media platforms, along with their respective rates.

  4. Creating Groups: After receiving search results, businesses can add influencers to groups. Businesses have the flexibility to create multiple groups simultaneously, which can be easily managed under the groups tab.

  5. Account Verification and Campaign Creation: To create campaigns, Businesses need to first verify their account by submitting their business registration. Once verified, businesses can select a group(s) of influencers and assign a name to the campaign.

    1. Influencer Request Acceptance Window: Businesses must specify how much time they'd like to allow influencers to accept/decline a collaboration request. This can be between 3-7 days from the campaign creation date. This is meant to give influencers enough time to accept or decline a campaign collaboration request.

    2. Campaign Timeline Start Date: Businesses must specify a time period for when they'd like for influencers to start publishing the content. This can be, at minimum, 1 day after the specified influencer request acceptance window. This is meant to be help influencers gauge whether they can commit to the campaign and is not an enforced date. This will, however, be taken into consideration whenever there are disputes to be resolved.

    3. Campaign Timeline End Date: Businesses must specify a time period for when they'd like for influencers to complete publishing the content. This can be, at minimum, 7 days after the specified campaign timeline start date. This is meant to be help influencers gauge whether they can commit to the campaign and is not an enforced date. This will, however, be taken into consideration whenever there are disputes to be resolved.

  6. Asset Selection and Estimations: After choosing the campaign name and influencers, businesses must select the desired assets they wish to utilize.

  7. Campaign Cost and Payment: At this stage, businesses will be provided with the total cost of the campaign. Businesses will proceed to make the full payment up front, which will be held in escrow until influencers have published the content, and then settled to the influencers. Please refer our terms and conditions for more on payments.

  8. Managing Campaigns: Once the payment is made, businesses can access their campaigns anytime from the campaign tab. In case the payment is not completed, businesses can view the campaigns as drafts on the campaign tab.

  9. Collaboration Workspace: Businesses will then enter a workspace where they can communicate with individual influencers within the campaign and send broadcast messages. The workspace allows businesses to chat, exchange attachments, and even schedule calls. The left panel displays influencers within the campaign, while the middle panel serves as the chat interface. Businesses can only begin communication with influencers once they have accepted a collaboration request. The collaboration request status of each influencer can be viewed on the left panel. The right panel provides a checklist guide to ensure seamless communication and a smooth campaign process. Businesses should use this workspace to communicate briefs, campaign goals, review and approve influencer content, and discuss revisions.

  10. Content Review and Performance: Once influencers publish the content, businesses can view the published content and access reports for each piece of content and the overall campaign on the reports tab. fluencr allows a two-week period for impressions to accumulate after content publication. After two weeks, the actual charges will be processed after any adjustments have been taken into account, should there be any.

Last updated